Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Eating disorder – However Big Is the Problem

Food and clothing are the basic needs of a human life. Eating disorder clinics are very important to handle this problem. Clothing when purchased once can be stored for long years whereas food is such a need which cannot be stored inside your body for years and without which anybody can ever think of living. Food is taken for survival but if you increase the quantity or decrease the quantity of food required by your body then it leads to “Eating Disorders”. Nowadays it has become a common problem especially amongst youngsters above twenty years of age because they are more cautious about maintaining their structure or physique even though everything goes on perfect with them. Eating Disorders can be of different types such as Anorexia nervosa, Bulimia nervosa and binge eating.

The symptoms of Anorexia nervosa are getting irritated and depressed easily, breaking up the connections from social events and trying to be lonely most of the time. This can also bring about problems among females by disturbing their menstrual cycle and also among men by decreasing the production level of testosterone. Anorexia nervosa is all about a “control” issue. Here it is not only the matter of food but it’s about the quantity and the kind of food that is ingested. The Victims of this problem feel that they are in the control of their lives and exhibit weight loss by inducing their own ways for loosing weight such as showing attitude towards food and having extreme fear of gaining weight which is very unhealthy.

The person suffering from Bulimia nervosa initially takes in a lot of food and then tries to purge the food using various dangerous ways such as vomiting, Laxatives, continuous exercise and other medications. Normally everyone tries to maintain weight according to their age, sex and height. In case of bulimics nothing is related to food instead here it’s a matter of low self esteem and anger on the people around, this leads to self destruction and involve risky methods for purging.

Binge Eating Disorder is almost the initial step of Bulimia nervosa the only difference being that the purging is avoided in this case and the person goes on eating excess of food which results in obesity later on this obesity may lead to depression by the increase in their weight and also the way they appear.

It is not that the above discussed problems cannot be treated, it solely depends on the individual’s interest whether he really wants to get rid of this problem. There are many misleading information that are carried on about the eating disorder problems and sometimes they can become life threatening problems if neglected so in order to avoid them it is recommended to consult the skilled professionals who can solve these problems with much care and concern. Some people feel ashamed of themselves and refuse to consult the professionals but it’s not the right way to solve your problem you have to overcome this feeling and get diagnosed in a proper manner. There are many therapies and interventions provided make the right use of them and live a happy and healthier life.

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